Selenium Classes in Bangalore

Selenium provides a record/playback tool for authoring tests without learning a test scripting language ().It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Scala.

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The tests can then be run against most modern web browsers. Selenium deploys on Windows, Linux, and OS X platforms. It is open-source software, released under the Apache 2.0 license, and can be downloaded and used without charge.
This helps us to run Selenium scripts as performance tests!  Selenium WebDriver   works by  making calls to the browser & then performing testing or operations on the browser. Different browser drivers are used for making calls to different browsers. ... Automation Testing Using Selenium WebDriver.


  • Selenium Overview
  • Installing Java
  • Installing Eclipse
  • Features of Java
  • Why Java for Selenium
  • First Eclipse Project
  • First Java program
  • Concept of class file
  • Platform Independence
  • Datatypes in Java
  • String class
  • If statements
  • Conditional and concatination operators
  • Mille Loop
  • For Loops
  • Practical Examples with loops
  • Usage of loops in Selenium
  • 40. Single Dimensional Arrays
  • Two Dimnsional arrays
  • Practical usage of arrays in Selenium
  • Drawbacks of arrays
  • What are Functions?
  • Function Input Parameters
  • Function Return Types
  • Local Variables
  • Global Variables
  • Static and Non-Static Variables
  • Static and Non-Static Functions
  • Creating Objects in Java
  • Meaning of static
  • Why Is main method static?
  • Object and Object References
  • Call by reference and Value
  • Constructors
  • Usage of Objects In Selenium
  • Concept of Inheritance
  • Interface
  • Overloadings and Overriding Funtions
  • Example on inheritance
  • Object Class
  • Usage of Inheritance in Selenium
  • Relevence of Packages
  • Creating Packages
  • Accessing Classes Across Packages
  • Good Features of eclipse
  • Accessing modifiers - Public, Private, Default, Protected
  • Exception hading with try catch block
  • Importance of exception handling
  • Exception and Error
  • Throwable Class
  • Final and Finally
  • Throw and Throws
  • Different Types of Exceptions
  • Need of exception handling in Selenium framework
  • Introduction to Collections API
  • ArrayList Class
  • HashTable Class
  • String class and functions
  • Reading/Writing Text Files
  • Reading Properties File in Java
  • Concept of jar file
  • ReadingiWrIfing Microsoft XLS Flies
  • Intalling Selenium IDE
  • Recording Script
  • Running, Pausing and debugging Script
  • Running a script line by line
  • Inserting commands in between script
  • XPATHS and installing firebug to get XPATHS
  • Wait Commands
  • Verification and Assertions
  • Should I use verify or assertion
  • JavaScript
  • User-extension.js in Selenium IDE

The Seven Basic Steps of Selenium Tests
  1. Create a WebDriver instance.
  2. Navigate to a Web page.
  3. Locate an HTML element on the Web page.
  4. Perform an action on an HTML element.
  5. Anticipate the browser response to the action.
  6. Run tests and record test results using a test framework.
  7. Conclude the test.


Selenium Training in BangaloreSelenium Software Training in BangaloreSelenium Training Institutes in BangaloreBest Selenium Training in BangaloreBest Selenium Training Institute in BangaloreSoftware Testing Training in BangaloreSelenium Automation Training in BangaloreJava Selenium Automation Training in Bangalore


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